Are you working on decarbonising heat in buildings in Scotland?
Are you looking to grow your business?

Join our 3-month accelerator to take your start-up or small business to the next level.

Applications open until 7th October 2022, 12 noon.
The programme will launch week commencing 24th October 2022.

Grow your business. Understand demand. Network with customers, investors, supply chain and distributors. Raise your profile. Identify new opportunities.

What is it?

The Scottish Enterprise Green Heat Accelerator is an immersive 3-month programme for ambitious small businesses and start-ups with products and services in low carbon heat, that support the Scottish Government’s Decarbonising Heat in Buildings Strategy and that can help to meet our target of 68% reduction in emissions from building stock by 2030.

How does the Accelerator work?

The Accelerator will be delivered over 12 weeks, spread over a 15 week period, by Carbon Limiting Technologies on behalf of Scottish Enterprise.

To gain maximum benefit from the Accelerator, participants should be decision-makers within your business; different team members may attend sessions relevant to their role.

Live online workshops and events (2 per week)
Interactive workshops and masterclasses to build leadership and business skills, develop plans and share ideas; Industry and specialist speakers and facilitated discussions to gain insight and find solutions to industry challenges.

In-person learning and networking events
Three events including speakers, site visits, networking and partnership building opportunities.

1:1 Mentoring from industry experts
We will match you with heat decarbonisation and low carbon innovation experts who will help you develop commercialisation action plans, become investment ready, and facilitate introductions to relevant industry contacts.

Themed virtual group mentoring sessions to share relevant experiences and contacts across the cohort.

Stipend of £2,000 available to each business to contribute towards costs of participating (subject to attendance).

Who can apply?

The Accelerator will support up to 15 ambitious businesses enabling the transition to low carbon heat in buildings.


We welcome developers, manufacturers, installers and maintainers of low carbon heat technologies, such as heat pumps, thermal storage, heat networks, solar thermal and biomass

Associated technologies and key components are also included, for example, insulation and deep retrofit, compressors, sensors, metering and smart controls.

Stage, size and location

Start-ups and SMEs (up to 250 staff) already in active operation, with a potential and ambition for growth. Registered or operating in Scotland.

Why join the accelerator?

Expand your network, better engage with customers, distributors and installers.

Get clearer on your growth strategy, have a robust action plan to support growth.

Gain confidence in your leadership and business skills. Get deep sector insights from industry experts and mentors.

Download guidance notes >


Email | Call 07894 571198


You will be informed in week commencing 10th October.

The accelerator is funded by Scottish Enterprise to support the Scottish Government’s Decarbonising Heat in Buildings Strategy and to meet the target of 68% reduction in emissions from building stock by 2030. The accelerator is organised in partnership with CLT.

The accelerator is free to take part in.

About 4 hours a week for 12 weeks spread over a 15 week period.

Other than a stipend for participating businesses to cover the costs of participating, the accelerator does not provide direct funding; it provides in-kind support.

Yes, provided you have an operational base in Scotland, employees in Scotland and a material part of your business takes place in Scotland.

You can email or call 07894 571198 

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Video recording of the Application Workshop